Here are 10 of our most popular posts of 2013:

  1. USEPA Approves Use of Phase I ESA Standard ASTM E 1527-13 for AAI – read online
  2. UK Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 Reverses Previous Burden of Proof for Strict Liability Health and Safety Offences – read online
  3. 8th Circuit Denies USEPA’s Petition for Rehearing of Blending Decision in Iowa League of Cities v. EPA – read online
  4. USEPA Seeks Rehearing of 8th Circuit’s Blending Decision in Iowa League of Cities v. USEPA – read online
  5. Sixth Circuit: EPA Can Bring Early PSD Enforcement Action for Improper Emissions Projections; More PSD Decisions Pending – read online
  6. Lords of the Manor Mineral and Fracking Rights in Soils – read online
  7. US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit Affirms Dismissal of NSR / PSD Claims on Statute of Limitations Grounds – read online
  8. Obama Administration Increases the Social Cost Of Carbon in the US – read online
  9. Horses For Courses – Aftermath Of The Horse Meat Scandal In Europe – read online
  10. UK Water Bill 2013-2014 – What’s New? – read online