The US Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently released a report critiquing the EPA’s efforts under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and recommending that EPA take more aggressive steps under TSCA to achieve the agency’s goals of ensuring the safety of chemicals. The GAO report, “EPA Has Increased Efforts to Assess and Control Chemicals, but Could Strengthen Its Approach,” recognized that EPA has made important progress under TSCA since 2009 but concluded that the agency needs to do more.
Our recent client publication discusses the report’s critique of EPA’s:
- Efforts to collect toxicity and exposure data from chemical manufacturers and processors;
- Plans for assessing chemical risks and for taking risk management actions on chemicals if warranted;
- Restrictions on the use of chemicals; and
- Public access to chemical information.
The publication further outlines the potential impacts of the GAO’s report.