We are pleased to share with you the latest edition of “frESH Law Horizons – Key Developments in UK & EU Environment, Safety and Health Law, Procedure and Policy”. In our August edition, we summarise 29 developments in the environmental, safety and health sector. Some of the top stories this month include:
- Court of Appeal dismisses appeal by Thames Water against £2 million fine imposed by the Crown Court
- Construction company fined £1 million and employee, a site supervisor, given suspended custodial sentence following death
- Government seek comments on draft Statutory Guidance for proposed implementation of Offensive Weapons Act 2019, including provisions on remote (online) sales of knives and other bladed articles and new offence for sale of corrosive product to underage person
- Serious Fraud Office (SFO) Publishes Corporate Co-Operation Guidance
- Almost 60 chemical manufacturers commit to re-evaluating the safety data in their reach registration dossiers
- Council has approved the purchase and subsequent demolition of houses in an air pollution hot-spot
- Boris Johnson has said that the UK’s environmental standards could ‘diverge’ from EU standards after Brexit
- The Committee on Climate Change (CCC) has published advice on carbon pricing, including views on the establishment of a UK emissions trading scheme
- ECHA launches public consultation on authorisation of chromium trioxide
For more detailed information on these developments, as well as access to the remaining summaries, make sure you download a copy from our website. You can also subscribe to ensure you receive our most recent edition every month.