Registered waste exemptions are not to be treated lightly and compliance with their conditions is not flexible, as the Environment Agency has reinforced in a recent case. A lengthy investigation culminating in a nearly £20,000 fine has been handed down by Chelmsford Magistrates Court in relation to illegal deposits of waste on farmland in Essex. … Continue Reading
The US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) proposes extending conservation credit to all landowners who participate in early voluntary conservation actions for declining or at-risk species. Currently, non-federal landowners are eligible to participate in a similar program known as the Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances. Under the proposed policy, however, parties may earn credit for efforts … Continue Reading
According to a keynote speech given last week by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, the UK economy is turning a corner towards recovery and the construction industry is playing a significant role in the nascent upturn. However, one of the challenges for the government is how to encourage property development without compromising the … Continue Reading