Tag Archives: ESG

ESG Due Diligence Update: First Lessons from Recent Rulings in the EU

As the EU intensifies its focus on ESG, the new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) is poised to enforce stricter environmental accountability across corporate operations. This directive, along with recent EU court rulings, underscores the critical need for companies to strengthen their environmental due diligence to avoid significant legal and financial penalties. For a … Continue Reading

Advertising, Media and Brands Global Compliance Challenges: The Rise of ESG and Global Workforce Challenges

2021 has provided unique challenges for businesses operating across the advertising, media and brands industry. Aside from the impact of the pandemic, we are seeing a changing and challenging landscape due to increasing economic, consumer, regulatory and compliance pressures. With increased exposure as a result of these pressures, Squire Patton Boggs and BDO will be … Continue Reading

The ABC’s of ESG

ESG: What and How Significant Is It? With “proxy season” kicking into high gear, issuers are already beginning to think about how to address concepts that are both complex and amoeba-like: environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) matters.  According to some leaders in the field: 1. The ‘E’ captures energy efficiencies, carbon foot printing, greenhouse gas … Continue Reading

Is the UK Heading Towards a Duty on Businesses to Prevent Breaches of Human Rights?

In April 2017, the UK Joint Committee on Human Rights suggested that it might be appropriate for a “failure to prevent” mechanism, such as the one found in section 7 of the Bribery Act 2010, to be applied to business and human rights. Earlier this year, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (“BIICL”) … Continue Reading