Tag Archives: Product Safety

The Automotive Recall Landscape in the US

As automotive technologies evolve, particularly in regard to autonomous vehicles (AVs), legislators struggle to keep pace. The lack of a binding legislative framework for AVs leaves regulators on their own in determining if and how to establish new safety standards. Here, we provide a general overview of recent legislative efforts, the National Highway Safety Administration’s … Continue Reading

December 2018 Update: Key Developments in UK and EU Environment, Safety and Health Law, Procedure and Policy

We are pleased to share our latest edition of “frESH Law Horizons: Key Developments in UK & EU Environment, Safety and Health Law, Procedure and Policy”.  In the December edition, we summarise 29 developments in the environmental, safety and health sector. Top stories this month include: Three companies, all operating on the same site found liable … Continue Reading

New Office for Product Safety and Standards: Further UK Regulation

In light of the fire that destroyed Grenfell Tower in West London in 2017, and apparent issues with the safety of white goods in particular, we commented upon the lack of guidance on product recalls in UK law, and the existing government proposals to improve and overhaul various areas of product regulation. On 21 January 2018, … Continue Reading