The UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) is set to release the Health and Safety statistics 2012/13 on 30 October, giving the latest statistics on work-related health, safety and enforcement in Great Britain.

The release will include an online publication providing headline figures and commentary supported by a range of material on the statistics website and will be updated with the latest data and tables.

 There are also a number of changes that will impact on this publication of statistics;

  • In April 2012 the ‘over-3-day’ legal threshold for reporting work-related injuries under RIDDOR changed to over-7-days. This was reflected in the 2012/13 RIDDOR injury statistics.  Analysis of the effects of the change, including details of the overall changes and the impact on main industries, will also be included in the October release.
  • The annual publication of the “Statistics of Fatal Injuries 2012/13ʺ (originally released in July 2013) will be re-published in order to incorporate a number of small revisions following initial release.  Also, as a result of the recent formal assessment by the UK Statistics Authority, some sections of the fatal injuries statistics have been re-drafted in order to enhance readability and navigation for users.
  • Due to Work-related ill health data from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) not being collected in 2012/13, there will be no update to the 2011/12 data published last year.  However the LFS has continued to gather data on work-related injury in 2012/13 and this will be available in the October release as it has been in previous years.

 For more information see the extensive range of injury tables which are already available from the LFS.