The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is rolling out an aggressive fatality prevention initiative in response to a spike in fatalities at metal and non-metal (MNM) mines over the last sixteen months. Since October 2013, 37 MNM miners have lost their lives, more than double the number of MNM fatalities in the previous three … Continue Reading
It is widely accepted that a company will not achieve high levels of health and safety management without the active participation of its directors. Directors who do not show leadership in the area of health and safety are likely to be considered to be failing their duty as directors as well as their moral duties, … Continue Reading
Wednesday 30 October 2013 saw the release of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Annual Statistics Report 2012/13. The report provides the latest top level statistics in relation to work-related ill-health, workplace fatalities and injuries and enforcement in Great Britain for the period April 2012 to March 2013. As shown in the numbers section below, … Continue Reading
The UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) is set to release the Health and Safety statistics 2012/13 on 30 October, giving the latest statistics on work-related health, safety and enforcement in Great Britain. The release will include an online publication providing headline figures and commentary supported by a range of material on the statistics website and … Continue Reading