Tag Archives: infrastructure

White House Finalizes Long-awaited Build America, Buy America (BABA) Guidance

The White House has announced long-awaited final guidance to federal agencies to implement domestic content and manufacturing requirements in federally funded infrastructure projects. The Biden administration guidance applies broadly to the use of iron, steel, and other common construction materials and products and, as a result, is expected to have broad implications for awardees of … Continue Reading

Trump Administration Issues Proposed Rule to Fast-Track Environmental Permitting for Mining Projects

On November 27, 2020, the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council (Permitting Council) issued a proposed rule to add mining as a sector eligible for streamlined permitting under Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41).  Public comments on the proposed rule are due December 28, 2020. Enacted in 2015, FAST-41 created a new … Continue Reading

WEBINAR May 5 – US ESH Webinar Series – Environmental Challenges Associated With Infrastructure Development

This webinar will explore the latest developments in Congress regarding additional stimulus legislation and the likelihood that it will include an infrastructure component. We will also focus on challenges associated with environmental permitting in the infrastructure development context, primarily those projects that involve impact to wetlands and streams under the Clean Water Act. The discussion … Continue Reading

President Trump Signs Two Executive Orders to Promote Development of Critical Energy Infrastructure

On April 10th, President Donald Trump signed two Executive Orders that seek to promote timely review of critical energy infrastructure projects in the United States. These changes to the review process seek to “enable the timely construction of the infrastructure needed to move our energy resources through domestic and international commerce.” (EO 13868.) “By promoting the development of … Continue Reading

President Trump’s Proposed Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America Portends Significant Changes for Real Estate Developers, If Adopted

President Trump’s Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America includes several modifications that many believe will streamline and accelerate redevelopment of brownfield sites that are currently tied up in Superfund cleanups.  Despite previously cutting funding for the federal brownfields program, the President’s proposed infrastructure plan would increase access to funding for Superfund and brownfields sites … Continue Reading

Western Australia State Supreme Court Decision Puts Multiple Mining and Infrastructure Projects At Risk of Being Considered Unlawful

The Western Australia State Government has announced that 25 major mining and infrastructure projects are at risk of being considered unlawful. This announcement follows a State Supreme Court decision which held that a failure to manage conflicts of interest had invalidated the approval process of the Western Australia Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Case The … Continue Reading