Tag Archives: U.S. EPA

Ninth Circuit to Review Montana’s Nutrient Variance Approach: What You Need To Know

Control of nutrient loadings to US surface waters has widely proven to be a difficult task, and nutrient levels in many of our waterways continue to fail in satisfying the stated goals of the Clean Water Act.  In 2015, the State of Montana established stringent water quality standards for nutrients.  Recognizing the economic and social … Continue Reading

USEPA’s Updated Regulatory Agenda: Say Hello to Old Friends and a Few New Faces

USEPA released an updated regulatory agenda on November 27, 2013.  The Fall 2013 agenda contains only a handful of new rulemaking proposals, indicating that USEPA will be focused in 2014 on completing the long list of regulatory actions already in progress.  Despite this renewed focus, USEPA has further delayed the proposal and finalization of several significant rulemakings, … Continue Reading