Tag Archives: UK courts

September 2018 Update: Key Developments in UK and EU Environment, Safety and Health Law, Procedure and Policy

We are pleased to share our latest edition of “frESH Law Horizons: Key Developments in UK & EU Environment, Safety and Health Law, Procedure and Policy”. In the September edition, we summarise more than 30 developments in the environmental, safety and health sector. Top stories this month include: The Court of Appeal’s decision in Serious Fraud … Continue Reading

Higher fines expected in the UK for Health and Safety, Corporate Manslaughter and Food Safety and Hygiene Offences thanks to new sentencing guidelines

Although sentencing guidelines currently exist in relation to corporate manslaughter and health and safety offences resulting in a death, there are no current guidelines to the UK courts in relation to sentencing non-fatal health and safety offences or food safety offences. The guidelines, produced by the Sentencing Council (SC), are intended to fill that gap … Continue Reading