Tag Archives: Water

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Announces Final Vessel Incidental Discharge Rule

As evidenced by the Department of Justice’s recent announcement of a US$2 million criminal fine assessed against the owners of the tanker P/S Dream as part of a guilty plea, violations of federal environmental laws governing vessel discharge can carry significant consequences. Stakeholders should take note that the EPA recently announced the final Vessel Incidental … Continue Reading

Reviewing US EPA’s New Cybersecurity Evaluation Requirements in Sanitary Surveys Conducted at Public Water Systems

Previously, we discussed the Biden-Harris Administration’s emphasis on cybersecurity in the water utility sector.  This month, the Administration continued that trend by issuing a final memorandum interpreting the regulatory requirements pertaining to public water system (PWS) sanitary surveys to require that states evaluate operational technology for cybersecurity when conducting the periodic sanitary surveys.  A fact … Continue Reading

UK Government Proposes 1,000 Fold Increase in Fines for Water Companies

The number of pollution incidents allegedly perpetrated by water companies in the UK has risen sharply in the last few years. On 3 October 2022, the UK Government shared proposals to raise the maximum cap on civil penalties for pollution incidents to unprecedented levels – from £250,000 up to £250 million per violation. If retained … Continue Reading

US EPA’S Draft Screening Level Approach May Broaden Scope of Chemical Risk Evaluations Under TSCA

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) continues to advance various aspects of its chemicals regulatory agenda under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). A key part of the Biden Administration’s revisions to the TSCA program is its planned new screening approach for assessing ambient air and water exposures to fenceline communities. This screening … Continue Reading

The Trend Toward Heightened Cybersecurity for the US Water Utility Sector

With high-profile cybersecurity attacks in 2021 such as those at Colonial Pipeline and JBS Foods, there is no doubt that cybersecurity is of utmost importance to our nation, and cybersecurity for our water sector is no exception.  The potential ramifications of a cyber attack on the water industry are disconcerting—in one 2021 attack, hackers accessed … Continue Reading

Groundwater Contaminant Regulation in California: State Water Board Lowers Notification Levels and Announces First Step Towards Developing an MCL for Certain Compounds

In June of 2018, the California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) Division of Drinking Water (DDW) provided recommendations for PFOA and PFOS notification levels.  On July 13, 2018, the State Water Board released guidelines based on DDW’s recommendations for testing and reporting on two PFAS compounds—PFOA and PFOS. The interim notification level for … Continue Reading

President Trump Signs Drought Contingency Plan for Colorado River

Months ago, in the face of “unacceptably high” risk to the Colorado River’s complex system of reservoirs, US Bureau of Reclamation Commissioner, Brenda Burman, indicated that if the seven Colorado River Basin States could not agree to a drought contingency plan (DCP), then the federal government would post a notice in the federal register seeking … Continue Reading

Flint Michigan Lead-Tainted Water Class Action Allowed to Continue

The US Supreme Court has denied review of a July 2017 Sixth Circuit ruling that revived two federal class action lawsuits seeking redress for plaintiffs alleging injury as a result of the lead-tainted water crises in Flint, Michigan.  In addition to ensuring that the Flint, Michigan water crises remains active in the national conversation, the Supreme Court’s … Continue Reading

US EPA Violated Federal Law by Using Taxpayer Dollars to Fund “Covert Propaganda” and Illegal Grassroots Lobbying

A federal investigation has revealed that US EPA violated federal law by utilizing “covert propaganda” and illegal grassroots lobbying to encourage voters to support its Waters of the United States Rule (the “Clean Water Rule“).  US EPA’s legal violations in the context of the Clean Water Rule could lead to additional trouble for the agency.  Members of the … Continue Reading